NOPED is a movement creating awareness about body image. We are day in day out flooded with images of enhanced people yet we arent given the information about those bodies.

It is anticipated through research over 1 million people in the UK alone are using steroids, PED's (Performance enhancing drugs), Doping, Call it what you like but 56% of those people admitted to using them for aesthetic reasons.

Social Media has the ablity to push these images in our face, yet we arent told that these bodies are modified through taking enhancements. This means aspirations about what we want to achieve are skewed. Or ultimately we look at ourselves with dissapointment. This is Body Dismorphia. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), or body dysmorphia, is a mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance. These flaws are often unnoticeable to others.

A relatively fit individual naturally may feel inadequate in their appearence due to the over senitised perception of bodies from seeing other individuals who i have used PED's to create that body.

We want to educate the population on avoiding these unnecessary feelings and bring the natural body's beauty back.